Monday, December 30, 2019
Christian Influences on the Modern World - 2033 Words
Despite its numerous branches, Christianity as a whole is the religion practiced by majority of world’s population. Ever since its beginnings in the first century AD, it grew exponentially. Massive numbers of its followers have caused it to have considerable influence on the world culture. Since the majority of its followers were from what is considered the western world, the influence of Christianity on it was greater than elsewhere. The impact of Christian philosophy in the areas of politics, economy, business, law, education, science and human relations will be discussed in this report. While the issues discussed are contemporary, the historical aspects are also presented. The educational system of countries under theocratic†¦show more content†¦In the past when capitalism was under attack by communism, one of the chief aspects of anti-communism propaganda was claiming communism to be an anti-Christian ideology. This idea is not as far-fetched as it seems. The idea that hard working people should be rich and idle people should be poor originated from biblical passages which say that a man who does not work shall not eat. There are other biblical passages which advocate that hard work is blessed by God. Thus the idea of a capitalist country where every individual tries his/her best to gain wealth and is not hindered from doing so originated in many ways from the Christian culture. This idea also reveals how communism stood in the opposite position since the wages of every worker would be fixed regardless of the work put in. Apart from the above mentioned influences, similar influences are hard to pinpoint. However, they still do exist. As an example, the keeping of business places closed on Sunday is the direct result of the dedication of Sunday as a day of rest as it was established by the Catholic Church. In the current period, Christianity did attempt to make an influence in the business practices of the western world when credit cards were gaining fame and becoming part of the society. Christian influence attempted to oppose the trend because Bible passages indicated that a person should never borrow money butShow MoreRelatedHow does the Bible Influence Political Thought and Action in Our Culture?1166 Words  | 5 Pagesthe Bible Influence Political Thought and Action in Our Culture? The Bible is a unique book that is different from others because it contains sacred text that has continued to influence societies from generation to generation. Generally, the impact of this sacred book is worldwide since it has affected every department of human activity. The influence of the Bible on society is derived from the fact that it contains various themes that are used to shape the moral progress of the world. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Research On Nature And Nurture Debate - 1607 Words
The following essay will address issues in relation to the nature and nurture debate. The indicated debate reviews aspects of behaviours, either inherited or obtained by environmental influences (Waches 1992). Wachs (1992 p. 2) states ‘the development of a child could be viewed as akin to the growth of a plant- a little sunshine and a little water was all the environmental contribution that was necessary to promote what was inherent in the organism’. The main focus of the essay is exploration of holistic development incorporated in a child’s life such as; physical, emotional, intellectual, language and communication (NCM, 2014). Holistic development views the child as a whole individual (Meggitt 2012); and considers the child’s health and†¦show more content†¦Meanwhile the child is exposed to new experiences creating new information, resulting in schemas developing, either being changed or modified (About 2014). Whereas, accommodation is reviewing an existing schema, desiring change (McLeod 2012). For example, a child raised in a home having stereotypical approaches on other social groups, may change their view when moving away from the particular environment, realising the schema is incorrect in distinction to interactions and experiences (About 2014). Furthermore, equilibration is the operation searching to accomplish cognitive stability in assimulation and accommodation (Hummed, 1998). The child will interpret and fathom the word through experiences challenging their understandings (Oakley 2002). Lev Vygotsky is the foundation of extravagant amounts of research in cognitive development (McLeod 2014), Vygotsky observed children as curious and active in their learning, underlining the central role of social interaction (McLeod 2014). The nature and nurture debate is combined with cognitive development, the central debate is accustomed with developmental psychology, including; physical abilities, personality and gender differences (Oakley 2004). Cognitive development materializes through the maturation of the child, the development is pre-programmed in the genes of the child (Birch 1998), the concept suggests children develop when biologically ready,
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Ruth Chris Fine Dining Experience Of A Lifetime Free Essays
Page 1 Sydney Wright Dr. Bridget Brennan English 1000 13 February 2013 Ruth Chris: Fine Dining Experience Of A Lifetime There are alot of places in the DC-metropolitan area that not only I but others as well find interesting and intriguing. A resteraunt was brought to mind that fits this description. We will write a custom essay sample on Ruth Chris: Fine Dining Experience Of A Lifetime or any similar topic only for you Order Now It was the none other Ruth Chris Steakhouse located in Baltimore Maryland just walking distance away from the inner harbor. Although a very popular resteraunt, not many people in my age group have had the opportunity to dine at Ruth Chris. The best aspects of this resteruant are hands down its atmosphere, service, and their famous steaks. The atmosphere of Ruth Chris gives off a classy, romantic, upscale vibe. Through out the resteraunt featured relaxing warm red and gold tones providing the perfect ambience. The walls are comlemented by beautiful modern art and paneled walls. The background music is nice and soft setting the mood to relaxing and comfortable. The lights are dimmed to set that romantic mood and also relaxing mood. Everything about this resteraunt is impressive. Even the bathrooms are impressive. They have hand soap and lotin for your hands. The dont just have the average paper towels that you use to dry your hands, but they have cloths. here was not a spec of dirt anywhere to be found. This upscale enviroment will make you feel like royalty. This comfortable yet chic atmosphere is perfect for you if you want to be somewhere calm and settled. Not only does the atmosphere gives off a comfortable vibe, the servers do as well. Ruth Chris has excellent service. The servers already know your name when you ar e introduced to them. The staff are very kind and patient, they have an anwser to all of your questions. They have great listening skills, and give great recommendations if you are indecisive as to what it is you want. The servers are very attentive to your every need. They make sure that your food is perfectly how you wanted it. They do not mind going back in the kitchen for a recook. You do not have to call on them for refills or more napkins, for they already do so themselves. They will even wrap your food up for you if you have left overs. They will not let you lift a finger, only to eat of course. You can automatically tell that all of the staff has had alot of expericence in the food industry. You can look at the way they carry themselves and how they talk to you. These are the type of people you want to serve you. One more thing you must know about the service is that all entree plates are served to you piping hot with the food on the plate still sizziling. So for the love of your fingers DO NOT TOUCH THE PLATES!! Even thought they provide you with excellent service, the all time best aspect of this resteraunt is what they are most famous for, THE STEAKS! Its not an opinion, its a fact that Ruth Chris has the best steaks. If you are a steak lover you will no doubt love all of their steaks. Ruth Chris has a variety of entees to choose from off the menu. The one you absolutely must try is their filet mignon and lostertail entree. This melt in mouth, juicy, flavorful steak is the king of all steak. Its tender texture is just perfect. So tender that it can literally be cut with a fork. The lobster tail perfectly compliments the steak with its juicyand chewyness. This resteraunt has so mush to offer from their relaxing atmosphere to their wonderful juicy steaks. Wheather its a steak dinner for two, a business meeting, or even for a romantic evening out, Ruth Chris is the place to be. Everybody shud visit there at least once in their lifetime. I promise you its worth your your every penny. This is the utimate fine dining experience ofa lifetime! How to cite Ruth Chris: Fine Dining Experience Of A Lifetime, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
WHS Policies in Australian Workplaces-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the WHS policies in Australian workplaces. Answer: Project Scope The scope of the project is divided into in-scope and out-scope In-scope: In-scope of the project is as follows: Implementation and monitoring of WHS policies in Australian workplaces Managing the risk assessment as well as control in context to health and safety Protecting the health and safety of the workers within the workplace Consulting workers as well as encouraging workers participation in maintaining WHS policies Providing training in order to operate properly within the workplaces Out-scope: Out-scope of the project are as follows: Different categories of WHS policies are not elaborated among the workers Details about the documentation of WHS policies is not provided to the workers Project Controls The project of implementing and monitoring WHS policies within the Australian workplaces can be controlled by following the steps that are elaborated below: Holding meetings: The main objective of conducting meetings during project progress is to manage as well as assemble effective team that is quite capable of accomplishing the objectives as well as goals of the projects (Acebes et al. 2014). The project manager will provide proper overview about how the policies of WHS can be implemented with Australian workplaces so that health and safety of the workers within the workplace can be maintained. The main reason of holding meetings is to review the assigned roles as well as responsibilities to the project team members, providing proper executive direction for accomplishing the project and for notifying the present work status. Performing quality control: By controlling the quality of the project it is ensured that the outcome of the project meets with the expectation of the organization (Colin and Vanhoucke 2014). In order to perform quality control, the project managers needs to undertake number of tasks including creation of proper quality review, developing agenda for determining key activities, assigning reviews for performing quality control, documentation as well as recording of various actions. Track the work progress: It is identified that work progress of the project is mainly tracked in order to measure, monitor as well as control its progress. The main purpose of tracking the progress of the project is to ensure that the project is completed as well as scheduled properly. The project manager utilizes several methods in order to control the project (Colin and Vanhoucke 2015). The activities include capture of project performance, updating project schedule with proper task performance information and data, capturing the costs that are generally occurred due to non-staff costs as well as adjusting the staff of the project. Responding to changes: It is identified that implementation and monitoring of WHS policies project can be controlled in context to changes by defining as well as implementing the work into proper given stage. By properly responding, the project manager is generally able to make sure that scope, budget as well as schedule of the project is as per the assumption (Doppelt 2017). While responding to project changes, the project manager needs to receive change requests, assigning proper requests for competing team members, approving updated change requests, creating proper action plan as well as helps in monitoring progress as well as quality of the changes. Managing issues: The issues that arise due to implementation and monitoring of WHS policies must be resolved without affecting the project progress. In order to control the project, project issue management is considered important as it helps in identifying issues, assessing impact, developing resolutions as well as tracking project progress (Goetsch and Davis 2014). The project manager generally manages the issues or challenges for making sure that the project are properly carried out. In order to manage the risks that are generally associated with project, the project managers needs to identify as well as record the issues by creating proper log. It is identified that the impact of the issues must be determined as well as controlled in order to resolve the issues properly. Change management Change identification Purpose Change analysis Change request approval Change tracking Creating health and safety team Health and safety team needs to be created in every workplace of Australia, so that they work together for monitoring the health and safety of the people who are working. If the team will work together then health safety of the workers can be improved (Hornstein 2015). The viability of the change will be mainly understood by the project managers when they track the organizational health and safety condition. The change request of the project is mainly approved by the project managers Proper track on the team must be kept in order to ensure that they are working properly for improving the health and safety condition of the people in workplaces. Medical treatment Proper medical treatment must be provided to the people who face health issues due to working in the organization. This will be helpful in saving the lives of the people who are not able to afford medication (Parker et al. 2013). The viability of the change is mainly understood by the project manager The change will be approved by the project manager Proper monitoring on medical treatment must be kept in order to analyze that proper quality based treatment is provided to the workers. Development of proper training team Proper training team must be developed in order to train the workers so that they can be able to avoid accidental cases and will be able to keep themselves safe (Kerzner 2013). The project manager analyzes the viability of the change The request of change will be approved by the project manager The training team have to report to the project manager with proper documentation in order to prove that proper training facility is arranged within the workplaces of Australia for improving the health and safety condition Teaching employees about importance of WHS policies Proper seminars must be conducted in order to provide information about the significance of WHS policies so that the workers adopt and utilize them appropriately and can be able to maintain healthy as well as safety environment for working (Doppelt 2017). The viability of the change is understood by the project managers The request of change will be approved with the help of the project manager Monthly based monitoring by the supervisors must be undertaken for ensuring that the employees or workers of the organization are properly adopting the policies of WHS in order to keep themselves safe as well as healthy. Documentation and reporting Documentation According to Verzuh (2015), project documentation is generally utilized for defining the way that is utilized for managing projects as well as governance that are surrounded them. Proper documentation is quite necessary in this project as it helps in providing proper information about the WHS policies that must be adopted by the Australian workplaces in order to maintain safety and healthy work environment (Fleming and Koppelman 2016). In addition to this, documentation helps in laying the traceability, quality as well as history of the entire document for the entire project. It is identified that documentation helps in supporting project management plan, project communication as well as project audit. Reporting Project reporting are necessary in order to ensure proper monitoring as well as implementation of project. It is identified that there are number of benefits from reporting and the benefits are elaborated below: Tracking: With the help of the reports, the project manager can be able to track the status of the project which is quite necessary in order to ensure that the project is on right track and it will be completed on assumed budget and time (Larson and Gray 2013). Identification of risk: The risks that are associated with the project can be identified with the help of the reports (Kerzner 2013). Proper risk identification helps in implementing strategies that not only assists in resolving risks but also helps in avoiding obstruction of the project progress. Cost management: With the help of the reports, the project manager is able to track the cost the project and if the costs flow over the assumed budget then the project manager utilizes strategies for controlling budget and as result it will help in completing the entire project within the budget that is assumed (Fleming and Koppelman 2016). Visibility: It is identified that reporting helps in increasing visibility of the project which will be helpful in providing proper insight on the project performance. Control: Reporting helps in controlling project and it helps the project managers to see the stagnation of project progress that helps in making the decisions properly (Verzuh 2015). Project success: Reporting helps in driving the success of the project. It helps in completing the project within the estimated time and budget by maintaining its quality thus making its successful. References Acebes, F., Pajares, J., Galn, J.M. and Lpez-Paredes, A., 2014. A new approach for project control under uncertainty. Going back to the basics.International Journal of Project Management,32(3), pp.423-434. Colin, J. and Vanhoucke, M., 2014. Setting tolerance limits for statistical project control using earned value management.Omega,49, pp.107-122. Colin, J. and Vanhoucke, M., 2015. A comparison of the performance of various project control methods using earned value management systems.Expert Systems with Applications,42(6), pp.3159-3175. Colin, J. and Vanhoucke, M., 2015. Developing a framework for statistical process control approaches in project management.International Journal of Project Management,33(6), pp.1289-1300. Doppelt, B., 2017.Leading change toward sustainability: A change-management guide for business, government and civil society. Routledge. Fleming, Q.W. and Koppelman, J.M., 2016, December. Earned value project management. Project Management Institute. Goetsch, D.L. and Davis, S.B., 2014.Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson Hornstein, H.A., 2015. The integration of project management and organizational change management is now a necessity.International Journal of Project Management,33(2), pp.291-298. Kerzner, H., 2013.Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Larson, E.W. and Gray, C., 2013.Project Management: The Managerial Process with MS Project. McGraw-Hill. Parker, D., Charlton, J., Ribeiro, A. and D. Pathak, R., 2013. Integration of project-based management and change management: Intervention methodology.International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management,62(5), pp.534-544. Verzuh, E., 2015.The fast forward MBA in project management. John Wiley Sons.
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