Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Parallel Themes in the Great Gatsby and Winter Dreams free essay sample
He is so centered around seeking after his fantasy of riches that the methods by which this riches is delivered don't make a difference. Green’s quest for riches isn't exactly as effective. Having earned his cash through real sources and difficult work, he doesn't permit himself to feel good around the very individuals he once tried to become a close acquaintence with, believing this new status is bought, as opposed to merited. Neither one of the men discovers individual satisfaction through their riches and status. Another likeness among Gatsby and Green is that they each begin to look all starry eyed at the lovely and oblivious rich young lady, who doesn't restore similar expressions of love. Gatsby utilizes his illicitly picked up riches to intrigue his previous sweetheart, Daisy Buchanan, who wedded another man while Gatsby was at war. She engages his interests, however just until it was not advantageous to her to do as such. Green likewise utilizes cash to dazzle Judy Jones, a manipulative lady with a continually turning cast of different beaus. We will compose a custom exposition test on Equal Themes in the Great Gatsby and Winter Dreams or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Be that as it may, Green’s riches is misrepresented, and in the end he likewise loses the lady he wants to another well off admirer. Gatsby and Green just need their adoration to be returned, when rather the objects of their expressions of love leave them once the curiosity of having a darling has worn off. The common subjects in The Great Gatsby and â€Å"Winter Dreams†show in the equal characters of Jay Gatsby and Dexter Green. Every hero originates from a basic foundation, yet longs for additional so as to intrigue the lady that he adores. These ladies originate from wealthier families, and they likewise control others so as to get what they need. Albeit both Gatsby and Green accomplish their fantasies of riches and status, neither finds the individual satisfaction that he was searching for. Some place along the way to progress, these men overlooked that cash can't accepting genuine joy.
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Essay Writing Samples For Short Essays
Essay Writing Samples For Short EssaysShort essay writing samples will help you to see what sorts of topics are appropriate for your final draft. And the truth is that many instructors will insist on getting you to write a short essay, and for them, this is a necessity. A lot of these courses are taught in such a way that the instructor wants students to study well in advance of taking them, and that is where the need for good essay writing samples comes in. They provide students with insight into how essay writing is done, and by getting one from a good essay writing course, you can get some good practice at making your own essay.When you're looking for short essay writing samples, be aware that there are various formats that might make or break the appearance of your essays. Some are written in formal prose, others in more conversational tones, and still others are just written as a story or diary entry. If you're unsure about what to write, simply take note of how they are present ed, and try to find an essay writing sample that makes sense in each of the types of essay writing you might do.To begin your search for essay writing samples, consider reading the list of samples in the catalogue. This can give you a quick overview of how each of the topics fits into the overall concept of the assignment. Make sure you are familiar with the terms, before you go writing a paper. It's not uncommon for students to have a hard time with these, and this can make it difficult to determine which essay to use and which to abandon. By getting a feel for the topics and terms used in these samples, you can then decide what topics you would like to tackle next.Once you've decided what topics you want to tackle first, pick a topic that you are most comfortable with and begin writing the essay. Just be sure that you aren't bogged down with too much material, and that you don't become distracted. One very useful tip when you're writing is to write out every idea you have before s tarting your paper.In order to write an essay successfully, you should spend a little time writing a sample essay of sorts. This allows you to see what you're doing and how well you're doing, without having to spend the rest of your time doing the project. The writer's room is often the perfect place to research what sort of essay writing samples you should use, and this allows you to decide which ones to stick with.One other way to get great essay writing samples is to go online and look for essay writing samples. A lot of websites offer different kinds of samples, and you might want to keep an eye out for this sort of thing. You can use this knowledge to make your essay writing more interesting, and also, you may find that you end up writing an essay that uses a specific type of sample that works really well for you.You should always try to experiment with the structure of your essay. Experimentation is important when it comes to essay writing, because you might be writing to lear n something from the experience, or to solve a particular problem. In either case, it's important to learn how to work within the format of the essay.By combining the various elements of essay writing samples, you can create a short essay that is just right for you. There are no right or wrong essay writing samples, but these will allow you to develop your own style and work within the constraints of the essay. Good luck!
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Essay about Time Management - 2208 Words
Things that matter most should never be at the mercy of thing that matter least. We let this happen much too often. Many of us waste our time on things that are neither important nor necessary, instead of using that time for things that are significant. Time management is not only how to get more out of your time, but really how to become a better person. Time is a very hard thing to manage, because we can neither see it or feel it until it has passed. Before we can manage our time we must know exactly what time is. The dictionary describes it as, the duration of ones life; the hours and days which a person has at his disposal. How we dispose of that time is time management. Its the way we spend our time to organize and execute around†¦show more content†¦We must each find a style that we?re compatible with and implement it into our lives. Even if the style you choose is not the most effective one, you must use it everyday to help better manage your time. Before you begin to manage your time you must realize that it is not a short-term project, but a life long commitment. Getting and Staying Organized This is a system that?s purpose is to save you a few hours a day by showing you how to organize. The goal of this style of time management is to get organized so that you can convert time that you?ve wasted during a normal day into time that can be used more efficiently and effectively. This style of time management is directed on business in general, but I feel it can still be applied to every day life. It gives us simple easy to do tips on how we can become organized. The first tip is to separate the things that are importance from the things that are not. Then throw away what?s not important. Next tip is to place the important stuff in order that it needs to be done by creating a master list. A master list is the concept of writing everything down in an orderly, meticulous way, so that you can do a better job of staying on top of things. Another tip is to write everything down on paper. The reasoning behind this is that because you are saved from havi ng to remember lots of information, you?llShow MoreRelatedTime Management And Its Impact On Students862 Words  | 4 PagesMany students find it hard to manage their time well; whether they are trying to juggle academic responsibilities such as just getting to classes, trying to keep up with the continuous demands of each class like studying, or with trying to complete multiple assignments that have to be completed before the deadline. It can be onerous. Especially, in college, there are so many distractions: different clubs, sports, and other campus activities that you can participate in such LEAD helping the communityRead MoreTime Management1233 Words  | 5 PagesTime Management By: Time management is often thought of when describing task related to business management or executive positions; those who have meetings and appointments related to business deals as well as meeting deadlines and time lines. However, time management is something everyone will have to deal with no matter the task or job. The following essay will describe time management and its importance in the work place as well as its importance for those who use it on a more personalRead MoreTime Management1058 Words  | 5 PagesTime Management is the control and focus of a person’s actions for the purpose of improving efficiency. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Ethical Issues in Procurement Management. - 1322 Words
Ethical Issues in Procurement Management When people or business deal with contracting as a means of Procurement for their company, there may be issues regarding who the company will deal with. Procurement Management conducted correctly can be a valuable tool when combating this problem. The United States Government is a larger institution that relies on contractors to take care of many of the logistics necessary to keep our government running smoothly. Our government does not have the manpower or equipment and supplies to build its own buildings or streets, so it has independent companies bid on contracts for this work. This method of business has been so successful that it has move most of its product procurement needs to this type of†¦show more content†¦This led to the accusations of unfair business practices and led to the dismissal of several city officials. The issue of child labor is an issue that the United States Government had to contend with while it was looking for contractors to meet the demand for the Beret. The Army was looking in the United States for a contractor to fill the order for a million Berets and no one could fill it without sub-contracting to overseas manufacturers. This was a problem for the United States. They would have to get a contractor that was willing to ensure that the smaller companies were not using children under the age of 16 to make the Berets. Had the Government not done this, any subcontractor would have been at liberty to employ underage children to produce the order of Berets and a big ruckus would have occurred in our nation due to this issue. Countries in the east such as China and Taiwan, middle-eastern countries such as Pakistan and India were all considered as subcontractors for this job. But these countries had a reputation for using hundreds of children under the age of sixteen for their lab or. Knowing where the United States Government stands on this issue the contractor had to pick the subcontractors carefully or risk not ever winning a government contract again, thus losing him millions of dollars. This would also be true if the chosen contractor had been a businessShow MoreRelatedCPMGT 302 Week 4 Procurement Planning Paper1333 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿ Procurement Planning CPMGT 302 Procurement Planning The needs of a project must be carefully identified, sourced and acquired to have a successful procurement process. Procurement planning is essential to the overall success of a project. It involves identifying the materials and services, finding the suppliers, and properly documenting the transactions. This paper includes a description of the procurement planning process. 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The Duty of Confidentiality
Question: Discuss about the Duty of Confidentiality. Answer: Overview of the case (Jack v John) Under extreme circumstances when administering justice, the duties of a solicitor gets interfered with when acting in the clients best interests. The law requires that the solicitors offer precedence to their duties to justice administration [1]. Sometimes situations arise when the duties of the solicitor conflict with that of their clients. In this case, Derek Delaney of DD Law is the solicitor, and Jack is his long term client. The litigation between Jack and his former business partner John, which led to a lawsuit against Dereks client worth $250,000 automatically required the solicitor(Derek) to act on the case appropriately. However, the manner by which Derek conducted the case did not please Jack his client, a situation which made the client ask Drek for advice on the likelihood of success of an appeal. Under the duties of the solicitor, the law requires that a lawyer must respect the policies which govern their responsibilities and that they must act with competence, honesty, and courtesy to other solicitors, parties and witnesses [2]. A solicitor should act with due diligence, be straightforward, and act freely from any personal bias. From this case, Derek(the solicitor) does not observe these principles governing all lawyers duties. First and foremost, Derek does not respond to John's solicitor notice, and this shows his lack of respect and courtesy. When John's solicitor gives Derek a notice that Jack will be declared bankrupt if he fails to pay the money owing to him, Derek lacks the attribute of frankness and does not notify Jack. Further, despite the fact that Derek fails to respond to Jack's correspondence, he also does not subpoena witnesses who deem crucial to the success of his client's case. Grounded on the facts portrayed in the above case analysis between Jack and John, about Jack's solicitor's manner of conduct, the following are the potential consequences of the facts to Derek. Termination of Professional Licences by the Australian Judiciary Derek involves his professional duties in conducting dishonesty activities which undermine the administration of justice. The solicitor (Derek), does not show the professional code of honesty, frankness, and full disclosure to his client Jack. Since the law requires that all professionals act with honesty and openness to the customer, it is a misconduct for Derek when he fails to notify Jack that unless he paid the money owing to his name were paid, he would be declared bankrupt [3]. Further, Derek does not show the principle of honesty to his client when Jack continually sends him letters and emails seeking advice on the appeal of the case for he does the unexpected by not responding to any of the customer's correspondence. This misconduct by Derek is gainst the requirements by the law and attracts dire consequences to the solicitor. The most potential consequences to Derek for this misconduct are termination of a professional licence by the judiciary and civil lawsuits which may attract a substantial financial loss [4]. Since Derek constitutes a contract with Jack, the breach of the terms of the contract both express and implied creates damages to the client worth $250,000. The customer's act of filing a lawsuit against the solicitor would force the solicitor to pay for the damages caused to the customer due to his ignorance and negligence. Once a solicitor is seen to act against the professional codes of practice, as in this case then the court may dismiss his professional licence [5]. Derek is at the risk of losing his legal professional licences for lack of discipline as far as his client is concerned. Civil Law Suit by the Client, Jack Since the law requires that the solicitor should exercise due diligence in observance of their duties and that they should not mislead the court, then Jack may sue Derek for his misconducts. As seen in the case, Derek does not show due diligence in observance of his undertakings when he does not respect the Commissioners request to him to explain his misconduct. Derek's fault comes clear when Jack is served with a bankruptcy letter without being aware and yet the solicitor had been issued with the same notice and decided not to inform the client [6]. Due to this misconduct of not observing the instructions by the court and also not exercising his duties to the client as required by the law, the client has a legal right to sue Derek in a court of law for civil wrongdoing. Once the client files a civil lawsuit to the court against the solicitor's misconduct, Derek will be termed liable of all the loss caused to Jack and thus will be required by the law to pay amount worth $250,000. Derek's misconduct of mot being straightforward to Jack would cost him a lot and be probably be forced by the court to compensate his client for the harm that resulted from his inaction to protect Jack from this ultimate loss. Losing Membership to Professional Bodies Derek does not show courtesy to other solicitors. This misconduct is evident when John's solicitor unless the money owing to Jack got paid; bankruptcy proceedings would be filed against his client. Derek never responded to this notification, and this shows hows disrespectful he is to the other professionals. This act is consequential to his professional position and membership in lawyers professional body of Australian. For one to maintain his position as a member is a professional body, the Australian law requires that he must show respect towards other solicitors and parties in the case. It is a crime for a solicitor to be less cautious when handling correspondence from other solicitors, and this calls for taking a disciplinary action against Derek for not showing courtesy to John's solicitor regarding bankruptcy order and notice to Jack, Derek's client [7]. Losing His Long Term Client (Jack), and Other Potential Clients Losing clientele would cause an adverse impact to Derek as this will adversely affect his net earning as well as damaging the firm's reputation to the members of the public. Derek's failure to subpoena witnesses whose opinions were deemed crucial to the success of his client's case shows his lack of independence and inability to influence and advice witnesses as in this case influencing the key witnesses was paramount [8]. As oper the requirements of the law, since Derek had signed the contract to represent Jack in the court of justice, he should have then exercised reasonable care and skill to prevent the client from this financial loss against his former partner John. Derek's misconduct of not showing his passion and commitment in defending Jack would force this customer to withdraw his services from the solicitor, something which would cause an ultimate impact on the net earnings of Derek. Overview of Niftys Toy Importation Business Dealings The law requires that the relationship between a client and his lawyer should be confidential. The law provides that an agent must not abuse his position of confidence by either disclosing the client's information or by abusing his rights and duties as per the duties rationale, source, duration, and scope [9]. From the case study, the two brothers Nifty and Shifty have been conducting illegal business in the distribution of and importation of illegal weapons. The revelation by Nifty to the lawyer of this information caught the lawyer unaware and unexpectedly. However, Nifty believed that it was confidential information nd that the lawyer should never disclose this data to anyone other than the two partners. As a matter of concern, as a lawyer, I found out that the two partners have bribed customs officials to facilitate smooth passage of shipments to Nifty. As a lawyer who acts independently, diligently, and professionally, it is against the law to engage in such contracts with fraud sters. Using the authority bestowed to me by the law and based on the facts provided by this case, the following are my responsibilities in the production of all documents relating to Niftys business dealings to the police. Protection of Confidential Information The professional conduct and practice rules 2013(NSW), to this extent, restricts a solicitor and a lawyer from disclosing to any person any confidential information relating to the client. The law requires that under express and implied contractual doctrines, the two parties should serve to safeguard the confidentiality of information when the confidants believe that disclosing the information would create inconsistencies with the purpose for its communication [10]. The fact that the importation and distribution of illegal weapons by Nifty's is believed to be confidential, and that I, the lawyer am aware of this fact, I should then not disclose the matter to the NSW Crime Commission without Nifty's consent. When it comes to issues relating to the bribery of customs officials from the borders, I should act professionally since I do not know how Nifty's conducts the activity by advising the police to consult the two partners [11]. Disclosing confidential information which I just know a s a hint is not my responsibility, my responsibilities are governed and clearly stated in the terms and conditions of the contract. Exceptions to The Principle of Confidentiality of Clients Information However, there are exceptions to the duty to put privacy at the risk of acting on the customer's instructions and interest. The confidentiality of customers information should be maintained by the lawyer except where disclosure is required and permitted by the law. Responsibility of disclosure A lawyer acting to protect the affairs of the client must disclose to the Crime Commission and the police information which is suspected or deemed to be illegal as per the public policy [12]. Grounded in this case, it is true that Nifty's undertake illegal business dealings of importing and distributing illegal weapons, as revealed by Nifty to me, the partnership's lawyer. Since the government has suspected that Nifty's conducts illegal business, then the partnership are named in an investigation by the NSW Crime Commission to be investigated of illegal business. Therefore, once the police officers come to my office, I should fully disclose this confidential information for it puts my law firm under the risk of losing clientele and getting its reputation tarnished. Responsibility to Act on Informed Consent from the Client Under the ethics and professional codes of practice, the lawyer's duties of confidentiality are clearly outlined. The law requires that the contractual relationship between the customer and the lawyer would be governed by strict terms that govern the disclosure of confidential information to a third party [13]. The provisions of law require that all information about the affairs and businesses of the clients acquired in the course of professional relationship must be respected. The lawyer shall therefore not disclose such customer's information unless he obtains the client's consent on the same. Based on this case, I as the lawyer should only disclose any information regarding Niftys illegal transactions to the police and the Crime Commission only when and after obtaining the partnerships consent [14]. Requirement by Law to Disclose Confidential Information The rules of professional conduct requires for justified disclosure of all material facts when a certain investigation and inspection is being carried out by government agencies over the transactions of a business [15]. Based on this case, the publishment of Nifty's as a suspect of a fraudulent dealer by the official governments Crime investigation body dictates that the lawyer has to disclose the client's confidential information to the police, but not more than it is required. It is the responsibility of the lawyer to obey and respect the rule of law especially when facing a more competent jurisdiction bestowed by the government of people, for the people, and by the nation [16]. Thus, I would only disclose less, and limited information regarding the business of Nifty's as revealing a lot or more than the required information is against the professional codes of law. Responsibility to Disclose Confidential Information When There is Fear of Uncertainty Being knowledgeable of the law, a lawyer may act to disclose confidential information to the third parties when he believes their is a potential risk that may cause psychological dangers or professional risks to his work [17]. Since the police are investigating the business dealings of Nifty's, it would be risky when the lawyer resists to disclose this confidential information regarding the importation and distribution of illegal weapons by the client to the police since it may result in mental torture in the form of arrest, or even dismissal of professional licence by the government [18]. Thus, I would act responsibly and disclose any information deemed essential in the under judicial order by the police in my office where practicable but not disclosing more than the necessary information. References Auburn, J. (2000).Legal professional privilege: law and theory. Hart Publishing. British Medical Association. (2012).Medical ethics today: the BMA's handbook of ethics and law. John Wiley Sons. Cramton, R. C. (2001). The Duty of Confidentiality. Dal Pont, G. (2010). Lawyers' Professional Responsibility. Faull, J. (1998). In-House Lawyers and Legal Professional Privilege: A Problem Revisited.Colum. J. Eur. L.,4, 139. Law Society of New South Wales v Cornwell (No 2) [2006] NSWADT 308 at[55]. Law Society of New South Wales v Lee [2005] NSWADT 242 at [12] (receiver appointed because of trust accounting irregularities). Legal Practitioners Conduct Board v Kerin (2006) 246 LSJS 371; [2006] SASC 393; BC200610668 . See also Legal Profession Complaints Committee v Masten [2011] WASC 71 at [26]-[34] per Martin CJ, Murray and E M Heenan JJ Mark, S. A., Cowdroy, G. (2004). Incorporated Legal Practices-A New Era in the Provision of Legal Services in the State of New South Wales.Penn State International Law Review,22, 671. Mark, S., Gordon, T. (2009). Innovations in regulation responding to a changing legal services market.Geo. J. Legal Ethics,22, 501. Phillips, W. J. (2005). The duty of confidentiality.-letter.Australian family physician,34(12), 999. Re Legal Practitioners Act 1898 to 1936 (CA(NSW), Gleeson CJ, Kirby P, Clarke JA, 11 May 1989, unreported, BC8902723). Virginia Shirvington,Professional Conduct and Advocacy. Avoiding a Breach of the Professional Conduct and Practice Rules. ( Virginia Shirvington,Turning a blind eye: Professional Liability and responsibility. Waikato/Bay of Plenty District Law Society v Harris [2006] 3 NZLR 755 at [194] per Chambers J (dissenting on this point). Ziems v Prothonotary of the Supreme Court of New South Wales (1957) 97 CLR 279 at 285-6; [1957] ALR 620; BC5700380 per Dixon CJ; Prothonotary of the Supreme Court of New South Wales v Pangallo (1993) 67 A Crim R 77 at 79; BC9303901 per Kirby P.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Is Global Warming Good or Bad
Most scientists believe that increased use of fossil fuels(coal, oil and so on) is leading to increases in global warming that will have adverse effects such as raised sea levels and the inundation of low lying coastal areas. But some scientists deny this is true, and a very few argue that the good effects of global warming will outweigh the bad ones. Take side in this debate.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Is Global Warming Good or Bad? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Global warming Global warming can be defined as elevation of earth’s global temperature due to the rise in the atmospheric greenhouse gases (Maslin 9). These greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere as a result of human activities, which include industrialization and deforestation that causes an imbalance of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Significantly, human combusts fossils fuels such as gasoline and coal that re leases heavy amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. When this happens, a phenomenon called the greenhouse effect arises. This leads to a blanketing effect that causes the earth’s average temperature to rise. In my opinion, global warming causes adverse effects that outweighs the positives and therefore, efforts should be invested to manage it through mitigation in order to lessen greenhouse gases emissions, adapting to its effects and through geo-engineering to eliminate the greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere. Such international efforts to achieve this are outlined by the Kyoto and Montreal Protocols. Effects of Global Warming Some scientist opposes to the occurrence of global warming claiming that indeed, the planet is cooling. Besides, they maintain that its occurrence is still unclear and maintains that global warming is a hoax and even if it was there, it could not necessarily imply a global disaster and if anything, man would adapt to its effects. However, in my opinion, this argument is incorrect since its effects are apparent. This is marked by retreating of glacier that causes rise in sea level and even inundation of coastal lowlands. Massive ices sheets have melted in the polar and mountain icecaps (Braasch Bill 27). Hence Northern latitudes experiences widespread impacts of global warming since the arctic and Antarctic poles retreat to expose tundra while oceans absorb the heat, which should have been reflected back into the atmosphere. This causes a rise in sea levels that could dislocate residents of coastal regions while rising sea levels would cause more evaporation of vapor resulting to more clouds hence rise in precipitation levels probably in regions that its unwanted causing flashfloods and monsoons (Maslin 37).Advertising Looking for critical writing on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The planet heats up through trapping of high frequency sola r radiations such as ultraviolet, which transverses the ozone layer. The planetary surface re-eradiate the energy and transmits it as low frequency (long wave band) thermal radiation called infrared. These are absorbed by the atmospheric greenhouse gases and get scattered to emit heat energy that warms the earth surface. This process is regulated by the concentration of greenhouse gases, which have continued to rise since the industrial revolution. The earth has become warmer and climate change and its effects are now more real than ever (Oxlade 8). The greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane, chlorofluorocarbons, nitrous oxides, water vapor as well as ozone (Oxlade 8). The main source of the major greenhouse gas which is carbon dioxide is combustion of fossil fuels that are used to drive daily human activities. These include transport, generation of electricity, space heating and cooking. Besides, human continue to encroach the natural vegetation through clearing of forests fo r urbanization and agricultural activities. Additionally, population growth has also contributed to global warming since they continue to clear forests and more so, they use more fossil fuels that produce carbon dioxide (Casper 49). Hence, there results an imbalance of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Greenhouse effect leads to the trapping of heat energy in the surface of the earth and average temperatures elevate. The rise in global temperatures continues to cause modifications in precipitation patterns. This could cause extension of subtropical deserts. Severe weather conditions such as heat waves and frequent draughts will result. All these changes might cause species extinction since some will fail to adapt to the changing climatic changes (Casper 131). In the recent decades, global warming is apparent and the rate in which the planet is experiencing this is unprecedented. This is reflected by computer climate models that estimate the rates at which the planet’s average tempe rature is rising. Global warming and its effects has raised controversial debates since mainstream scientists approve that the issue is a serious one that gradually becomes worse. However, some disagrees with this view that is rejected by some who insists that it is not an issue to raise eyebrows. However this standpoint seems illogic since the mainstream scientists asserts that however slight these changes are, they are accompanied by great climatic changes, which are characterized by adverse effects. The rising temperatures results to frequent droughts, flash floods and hurricanes which are remarkably detrimental to residents of precarious regions or those who rely on agriculture. Food security is threatened due to massive crop failure (Houghton 164). Water supplies will be affected leading to less agriculture while sanitation and economic growth will be impeded, not to mention the destruction of ecosystems. Global warming would cause increase in vectors that would continue to cau se diseases such as malaria even in regions that were considered free since there is a warm weather and floods for them to breed.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Is Global Warming Good or Bad? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The geologic time has depicted a rise the earth’s average temperature that has varied by five degrees Celsius over millions of years. Today, scientists assert that earth’s temperature that has increased by 0.6 oC from eighteen hundreds is expected to increase by 1.4 to 5.8 oC in the twenty-first century alone (IPCC 5). This is an unusual change, which has definite effects on the planet whose life depends on i.e. ocean, hydrological and nutrient cycles. This would cause a disruption of the ecosystems that supports life by provision of clean water, food and other nutrients. Besides, it would enhance an apparent environmental stress that includes deserts, droughts, dep letion of stratospheric ozone, deforestation as well as pollution. From research, it is clear that climatic changes have to impact biodiversity, which could be lost as species get extinct. Coral populations for instance have declined due to ocean acidification and warmer conditions. This causes bleaching of these species among others that inhabits the ocean ecosystem (IPCC 5). Our civilization lies at the mercy of the global climate change. Nations have based their economy such as ports and cities along the coastal areas with the hope that water levels would be constant. But what are they getting in return? Unpredictable extreme storms like hurricanes, cyclones and tornadoes that wipe away their years of extensive labor, invested to build the economies. Global warming will cause environmental and socio-economic effects that could be very enormous. These effects are long-term and real since they can be quantified by scientists. Even if declining the emission of greenhouse gases is th e top agenda, the world must be ready to respond to these changes. The public need to become aware of the climatic changes that are to be expected and how to respond to them. These are some of the uncertainties that should be expected to be frequent as human feeds more and more carbon dioxide to the already nauseated atmosphere. To mitigate this, it is the role of all nations to draft policies that are aimed at reducing emission of these gases. Besides, the world should stop being over-reliant on fossil fuels and look for alternative renewable sources of energy. Besides, every individual has to adjust their lifestyle while planting more trees instead of cutting them down. Conclusion Current debates regarding global warming and climate change are geared at reducing emission of greenhouse gases, which is a sensible move. This is because failure to do so will cause further elevation of atmospheric greenhouse gases, which would amplify the effects.Advertising Looking for critical writing on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, this does not necessarily require man to wait and see but has to make preparations to adapt to these changes. Adaptation together with mitigation should be complementary through proper planning that would reduce future costs (IPCC 21). Adaptive measures will be of importance since it would offer immediate help to the vulnerable groups and more benefits in future. These can be drafted to address issues such as biodiversity loss for a better and resilient future world. All the same, a great challenge lies ahead since we are uncertain about climatic changes and how man should adapt towards them. This is because there are several variables, which include rise in population, economic, technological and environmental issues that keeps on changing. This calls for an integrated approach. Therefore, let’s safeguard the natural environment today for the sake of the future of this planet we call home. Works Cited Braasch, Gary Bill McKibben. Earth Under Fire: How Global Warmin g Is Changing the World. New York: University of California Press, 2009. Print. Casper, Julie. Changing Ecosystems: Effects of Global Warming. New York: Infobase Publishing, 2009. Print. Houghton, John. Global Warming: The Complete Briefing. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Print. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). How Will Global Warming Affect my World? A Simplified Guide to the IPCC’s â€Å"Climate Change 2001: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability†United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). Web. Maslin, Mark. Global Warming: Causes, Effects, and the Future. St. Paul, MN: MBI Publishing Company, 2007. Print. Oxlade, Chris. Global Warming. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press, 2006. Print. This critical writing on Is Global Warming Good or Bad? was written and submitted by user Dalia Lott to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Effective Feedback Students as Assessment Partners
Effective Feedback Students as Assessment Partners This letter will cast the light on some essential components of quality feedback as well as on the importance of feedback in primary school. What is more, it will also bring your attention to the process of achieving feedback and assessment process. In particular, it is necessary to define the quality feedback as it is identified by various scholars, and to discuss the importance of self-assessment and its role in advancing the academic achievements of students.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Effective Feedback: Students as Assessment Partners specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More So far, grading was the major tool for evaluating students’ skills and abilities. It is aimed at assessing the rate or level of students’ understanding of the subject. However, identifying the rate means pointing out students’ drawbacks and pitfalls and a failure to express a particular thought. Such system, therefore, deprives students of motivation to improve because they do not know what they should actually improve. According to Wilson (2009), the major drawback of grading tests is lack of responsiveness; grades highlight what should a student pay attention to, but not how he/she should approach the problem. You should also bear in mind that exploring the difference between quality feedback and grading assessment has led to the assumption that students’ achievements can be enhanced if using rubrics instead of scoring points (Marzano, 2009, p. 87). The scope of using appropriate scores lies in evaluating students’ achievement without interrupting the actual process of learning. Other types of assessments, like testing, do not involve a responsiveness aspect either. Smith (2009) finds it reasonable to apply for test to evaluate students’ abilities because this kind of assessment can define the way students perceive the factual knowledge. However, before introducing tests to students, teachers should be sure that a particular set of questions will involve all issues studied in class. There should be a direct correlation between test questions and learning activities and, therefore, tests should be designed for improving learning, but not for grading and decision-making. You should pay attention to Reynolds’s ideas (2009) who believes that critical evaluation and quality feedback plays an essential role in primary school education because it encourages the creation of more authentic and objective assessments (McMillan, 2011). Therefore, you should carefully select methods for assessing students in relation to learning targets and practical activities. Quality feedback, thus, should involve a multidimensional approach to evaluation. To be more precise, students should not only be objectively evaluated, but they also should also be able to critically evaluate others (Reynolds, 2009).Advertising Looking for assessment on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In general, it is necessary to bring your attention to significance of quality feedback that involves not only scoring and evaluating the level of students’ skills and abilities. Rather, all assessment standards, and quality feedback in particular, should be directed at improving students’ achievements (Brookhart, 2008). Reference List Brookhart , S. (2008). How to give effective feedback to your students. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Marzano, R. J. (2009). The Art and Science of Teaching. Educational Leadership. 67(4), pp. 86-87. McMillan, J. H. (2011). Classroom Assessment: Principles and Practice for Effective Standard-Based Instruction. Boston: Pearson. Reynolds, A. (2009, November). When Every Student Needs Critical Friends. Multiple Measures. 67(3), pp. 54-57. Smith, K. (2009, November). From Test Takers to Test Makers. Multiple Measures. 67(3), pp. 26-30. Wilson, M. (2009, November). Resp onsive Writing Assessment. Educational Leadership. pp. 58-62.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Effective Feedback: Students as Assessment Partners specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More
Sunday, March 1, 2020
10 Helium Facts - Atomic Number 2 on the Periodic Table
10 Helium Facts - Atomic Number 2 on the Periodic Table Helium is the second element on the periodic table, with atomic number 2 and element symbol He. Its the lightest noble gas. Here are ten quick facts about the element helium. Check the full listing for helium if you would like additional element facts. The atomic number of helium is 2, meaning each atom of helium has two protons. The most abundant isotope of the element has 2 neutrons. It is energetically favorable for each helium atom to have 2 electrons, which gives it a stable electron shell.Helium has the lowest melting point and boiling point of the elements, so it only exists as a gas, except under extreme conditions. At normal pressure, helium is a liquid at absolute zero. It must be pressurized to become a solid.Helium is the second-lightest element. The lightest element or one with the lowest density is hydrogen. Even though hydrogen typically exists as a diatomic gas, consisting of two atoms bonded together, a single atom of helium has a higher density value. This is because the most common isotope of hydrogen has one proton and no neutrons, while each helium atom typically has two neutrons as well as two protons.Helium is the second-most abundant element in the universe (after hydrogen), though it is mu ch less common on Earth. On Earth, the element is considered a nonrenewable resource. Helium does not form compounds with other elements, while the free atom is light enough to escape Earths gravity and bleed out through the atmosphere. Some scientists are concerned we might one day run out of helium or at least make it prohibitively expensive to isolate. Helium is colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic, and inert. Of all the elements, helium is the least reactive, so it does not form compounds under ordinary conditions. In order to bond it to another element, it would need to be ionized or pressurized. Under high pressure, disodium helide (HeNa2), the clathrate-like titanate La2/3-xLi3xTiO3He, the silicate crystobalite He II (SiO2He), dihelium arsenolite (AsO6 ·2He), and NeHe2 may exist.Most helium is obtained by extracting it from natural gas. Its uses include helium party balloons, as a protective inert atmosphere for chemistry storage and reactions, and for cooling superconducting magnets for NMR spectrometers and MRI machines.Helium is the second-least reactive noble gas (after neon). It is considered the real gas that most closely approximates the behavior of an ideal gas.Helium is monatomic under standard conditions. In other words, helium is found as single atoms of the element.Inhaling helium temporarily chan ges the sound of a persons voice. Although many people think inhaling helium makes a voice sound higher, it doesnt actually alter the pitch. Though helium is non-toxic, breathing it can result in asphyxiation due to oxygen deprivation. Evidence of heliums existence came from the observation of a yellow spectral line from the sun. The name for the element comes from the Greek god of the Sun, Helios.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
FLSA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
FLSA - Essay Example Job titles and clear documents that describe role expectations are developed for this purpose in an effort to link job role with a salary structure. Caribou Coffee had classified workers as exempt and therefore received a salary. As part of their obligations, serving coffee and waiting on customers filled their responsibility list daily. Because of the language and/or the interpretation of the FLSA mandates, Caribou agreed to settle. The employees filing the suit argued successfully that because of their job duties, they were actually non-exempt workers ( 2010). It would be difficult to over-complicate the FLSA by providing new amended subsections, especially if the nature of what constitutes exempt versus non-exempt were clearly defined through precedent. For example, if it included specific job role functions, the document would be unreadable and certainly irrelevant. Another case involving exempt versus non-exempt status involved Patty Lee Smith v. Johnson and Johnson in the District Court of New Jersey. The Court ultimately found in favor of J&J, believing evidence of her non-exempt status was insufficient to find otherwise (, 2009). Smith worked unsupervised for 95 percent of her role, thus with considerable flexibility on the nature by which she coordinated her responsibilities. Further, no definite job role and list of obligations were present in the human resources division, thus Smith could not prove otherwise considering the evidence of her status that are most closely associated with a person in a salaried, executive level role. It was a common sense ruling, however the language of the FLSA is open to even judicial interpretation due to the lack of practicality in constructing supplements. These situations can be avoided in the future by fully categorizing the job title and the specific responsibilities, or ensuring that a sign off
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Human resouces management is nothing more than personal management Essay
Human resouces management is nothing more than personal management with a new label, Critically evaluate this statement - Essay Example Consequently, the concept of labor power that was sold by human beings had to be effectively organized. Hence, owner of firms and organizations began adapting to the world of management through the use of personnel management that had the sole responsibility of hiring and firing employees. Actually, employees welfare demand grew by the day, the world of management grew simultaneously to the extent that the personnel management could not accommodate the increasing demand for employees’ welfare and as such, most organizations and firms began replacing personnel management (PM) with human resource management (HRM). Apparently, the term human resource management has been used across the world for approximately a century. According to Soni (2013) the emergence of Human resource management (HRM) is believed to have started in England in the early 18th century when the west was experiencing the apprenticeship and craftsmen era. Moreover, the emergence of HRM was also significantly associated with the arrival of the industrial revolution. As the 19th century begun, a philosopher by the name Taylor argued that it was necessary to combine scientific management and industrial workers psychology, and further introduce the two concepts in the business world. In light of this, the philosopher further articulated that it was imperative for workers to be managed not only for the purpose of making work to be efficient, but also ensuring that the workers were psychologically fit to hold the title of being employees. Similarly, the drastic changes that were being witnessed especially in technology, growth of various organizations and the rise of different unions greatly facilitated the development of personnel departments that were run by welfare secretaries soon after the beginning of the 19th Century. Importantly, the effective management of human resource in any organization is to ensure that competitive advantage is gained in the marketplace.
Friday, January 24, 2020
Stealing Home :: Essays Papers
Stealing Home Can you imagine living somewhere all your life, and then having a stranger tell you to move? What about having you home taken away from you because you live differently then others? Or even yet, can you imagine having someone move in next door to you, and you die from a sickness that they brought with them? Native Americans have lived this way since the days of Christopher Columbus. As they were shuffled around and pushed westward, the crowd followed, until there was nothing left for them. American Indians roamed the lands of America long before settlers from Europe even dared to travel across the oceans. They lived from and with nature, respecting the laws of life, and cherishing every aspect of their civilization. They hunted and fished, using each part of their prey, wasting nothing. Bones were used for weapons; hides, for clothing and shelter. They lived simply. It was impossible to tell that their worlds would be turned upside down. When settlers first arrived in America, they were greeted by Native Americans. They helped the settlers learn to live the way they did – to use nature to its fullest and to respect it. Meanwhile, millions of Indians were dying from the diseases brought over from Europe. Indian villages were burned to stop the spread of disease. The settlers were scared of these diseases that no one seemed to understand. They blamed the Native Americans for deaths of settlers that were due to the diseases. This blind blame would be seen later in history, as the railroad invaded the territory of the Native Americans, and they were again blamed for death and warfare. Between the beginning of the Civil War and the Gold Rush of 1849, thousands of emigrants had been crossing the plains in search of gold. The Indians of the North-west generally accepted the government policy that the land west of the Mississippi River was theirs, and they expected settlers to stay out. Of course, the pioneers needed to cross that territory, which the Native Americans considered sacred hunting grounds (Schmitt 2). The Native Americans first learned of the railroads by runners – those who ran the land to learn of gold seekers and settlers moving across the territory. They called the railroad the "iron horse on the iron track," and as it moved across the Mississippi, it was evident to them that once again, their land would be taken (Schmitt 6-7).
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Compositions Essay
My parents took me to Chidambaram on the occasion of the festival for Lord Nataraja. That festival occurs once in a year. The crowd was huge. It had come from all parts of India, and, in some cases, even from outside India. The crowd consisted of people from various states in India. It therefore, consisted of people from different walks of life. We saw people from Northern states of India, like, Uttar Pradesh, Rajastan, Delhi and many more. We also saw crowds from Great Britain and The United States of America. We found people talking in different languages. Some of the people found it difficult to make the local people of Chidambaram understand what they meant. So, they needed interpreters. As mentioned earlier, the crowd was not only huge, but consisted of citizens of various status and from various states. Some leader was delivering a speech. He did not belong to Tamil Nadu. Sometimes he would speak in broken language and then switch over to different language, which i too could not follow. The crowd was in no better position. So, there was commotion in the crowd because it could not understand what the speaker was talking about. When the crowd became restive, someone came on to the dias to do interpretation, but that did not also satisfy the crowd. Therefore, the speaker finished his speech and some one else came up the dias to deliver the speech. But, he too did not understand the local language well and there was a confusion again. This time the crowd became very restive and could not be controlled by the cops. When the situation appeared to be going out of control, the cops interfered and used water guns to disperse the crowd. When that too did not give the desired result, the cops naturally resorted to using bullets. The first fired in the air to terify the people. But, that did not yield the desired result. So they sprayed the crowd with actual bullets. This made the crowd retreat and some calm appeared to have descended on the crowd. So, this was a meeting which was well attended. But, it was attended by people from various states speaking different languages and having different life cultures. The speakers also did not do anything to pacify the crowd. As i said earlier, the crowd came from different states and spoke different languages, they could not understand what the speakers spoke, nor could others understand what they spoke.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
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